
Showing posts from May, 2012

Sharing is Caring

For the first time  sharing this beautiful scene with someone else Leaving an unforgettable moment Spending the precious time  even for a while Maybe there will be no next time Both of them  will not be forgotten InshaAllah Going through these days Leaving more memories to be remembered ^_^

Praise Be To Allah

Maybe the time has not come yet, Maybe there should be more patience and acceptance, Alhamdulillah (Praise be to Allah) for giving other companies, When they are needed, Even just for a while, It's enough. Maybe He had answered the prayers, And He knew what's the best, As He loves whoever who ask from Him and tawakal Let's be thankful. :) Rely everything on Him as He is The One and Only.

Wish You Were Here

30th April 2012 amazed by the moonlight and shining stars wishing you were here, sharing this incredible scenery in the center of this green grass lying and thanking Him for this amazing gift pray that we'll have more time to enjoy this beautiful moment but if only if you were here.